About Us
MyDutchFinances is set up by two founders: Paula & Rogier. Our idea for the website came when we were moving to the Netherlands. Rogier is a Dutch Native and grew up in the Netherlands. He knows his way around and could easily ask around for some financial advice. It was easy to help Paula and figure everything out that she needed in the Netherlands. Paula on the other hand was trying to figure things out on her own, which didn’t always work out. It’s easy to make the wrong decisions when you move to a new country.
In our search for smart guides and help, we couldn’t find anything and this is where our idea came to mind. This website should serve you as a repository in setting you up financially in a smart way in the Netherlands. We are fully committed to help you make the best decisions coming or arriving in the Netherlands.
We are curious how you like our website and are open for suggestions and feedback. You can mail any thoughts to: Info@mydutchfinances.com
Do we monitize this website?
First of all, for us this is a side project and we don’t need to fully monetize our website. We both work in Tech and want to help you. Over the last years we worked in close collaboration with several companies to create discount offers and also added affiliate links to our website. If you decide to click on those links and commit yourself to a product, we get a small fee from our Partner. You can always go directly to the company’s website if you don’t want to contribute to our website.
Next to that, we try to help on a 1:1 basis to help Expats, Students and Immigrants to come to the Netherlands. This service is charged and depending on your needs we ask for an amount that suits our expenses.
The content on our website shouldn’t be seen as financial advice, it should just be informational and we would never ask you to commit to any financial products.
Since MyDutchFinances is a financial website, we decided to be open about our source of revenue to make ourselves fully transparent.
Company: RK Digital Consultancy
Chamber of Commerce NL: 81407920